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Student: KOBE V

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Title: unstoppable

My book was about a farm boy who is a foster kid who works on a farm. There he gets called dirt behind his back and one day he finds out about it. One day he says he wants to play football but Mr. constable wont let cause he may get injured. Mr. constable sends him to his sisters. His sisters husband is the lead coach of the football progam. He puts him on the practice feild one day where he justs plows past people. One day he gets his chance in game and he does amazing. But after that game he goes on and later in life he finds out somthing. he was stage 3 cancer in his left knee and might not be able to ever play football again. He gets help from a former navy seal who had the same problem as he does. He trains hard and for a long time each day. He gets a text from the girl he likes and she comes over but he dosent even want to see her or his family in the case he is in. One day he finds the book he started reading before he went into his cancer stage. The book is a very fun read and its encourging to people who are fighting cancer and he shows that its hard but can be down. I recomend the book to girls and boys who are into sports and long true books.

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Comment Posted by: RYAN at 01:11:38 PM on 12/05/2014

I suggest the book gym candy because it is about a football player who want to get better at football but keeps facing obstacles.  It is very similar to your book.