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Title: Don't Judge a girl by Her Cover blog 2

Cammie and her covert operations class go to Macey's fathers campaign located in a park near the school. While there Cammie notices someone slip through a tiny gap in the sign covering the bleachers. Cammie walked through the gap when she felt a hand on her shoulder and grabbed it and stepped into move, and swung the guy through the and on to the ground. But nothing prepared her for what happened next. She heard three words. The two words that she thought she would never have to hear again "Hey Gallagher Girl" It was Zach the boy who had kissed her last fall, and the boy she thought she wouldn't have to see for a long time. After about a week and a very odd covert operations class Cammie, Bex, and Liz now knew of a secret closet full of everything they could think of to change there identity, also everything they needed to get into the Winter's next campaign gala. On the the night of the gala Cammie, Bex, and Liz had everything they needed to get in to the gala they had their disguises, their fake id's, their transportation, and their ear comms for communication. About an hour or so after being at the gala Cammie notices a familiar face Joe Solmon their covert operations teacher with one other person who was way to familiar it was one of the guys Cammie had seen in Boston right before Macey, Preston and Cammie had been attacked and Mr.Solmon seemed to be a little to fond of him.

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Comment Posted by: Donohue at 10:11:43 AM on 01/15/2015

Elizabeth, please run a spell check, make corrections then let me know you are finished so I can publish this article. In your next blog, avoid retelling rather than summarizing the story by leaving out the step-by-step details.

Comment Posted by: Donohue at 03:31:07 PM on 01/05/2015

Liz, run a spell check (their/thier) and try to avoid retelling the story in your next article -- just give us the gist in a summary.