
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via my email

8th grade homework site is now available. It is located within the classroom pages link at wgcsd.org.

Economics 12 and Sociology should use this page for assignments and notices


Grade 8 social studies: content questions. some from 7th grade some we haven't covered yet but give it a try https://brainfall.com/quizzes/can-you-pass-this-u-s-history-quiz/

Things you SHOULD know questions: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=KtLKIY3tDEGU4Az1zjSEeCEYs_VwaBRFgDiXb0UfDeNUN0JLSlU4RjFBNEcwT0g2WFE3MFo5OTdJOC4u
