7th Grade Assignments Chapters 6-10

7th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 1-56, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-15, Exam

Chapter 6
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #6 
Common Sense, Thomas Paine

 Projects/ Activities:
Weapons of the American Revolution
What's In a Soldier's Nap Sack?
Letters from Spies
Encyclopedia of Revolutionary Heroes
Sailing the Ocean Blue During the American Revolution
Talking the Talk of a Revolutionary Soldier

Our American Flag Activity
American Revolution Web Quests:

Revolutionary War: Internet Scavenger Hunt
Colonial Recipes:
Liberty Punch Tea
Batch of Root Beer
Apple Butter
Virginia Poundcake
What It Takes to be a Spy

Educational Photographs:
Ethan Allen
George Washington- Commander In Chief of the Continental Army
Declaration of Independence
Benedict Arnold
John Hancock
Baron Von Steuben
Betsy Ross
Martha Washington
Nathanial Hale

Educational Films:
The Patriot
The Crossing

Educational Review Games/ Websites:
American Revolution Timeline 
Liberty, Road to the Revolution
Liberty, Military Perspective
Declaration of Independence: Join the Signers 
Where the Declaration of Independence was Written:  Graff House  
The Signers of the Declaration of Independence
Molly Pitcher, How She Get Her Nickname

The Treason of Benedict Arnold
Declaring Independence: The Movie
Animated Map- Revolutionary War: Early Years
Revolutionary Songs
Revolutionary Online Simulation:  Mission 1- For Crown or Colony?

 Chapter 7
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #7
Constitution Convention PowerPoint 

Projects/ Activities:
Bill of Rights Booklet
Constitutional PowerPoint
Analyzing Two Historical Documents
Disputed Territories of the United States
Currency- A High Priority
Learning about Roman Patriots
Writing with a Quill Pen

Educational Photographs:
John Locke
Baron de Montesquieu
Benjamin Franklin
Daniel Shay
Noah Webster
Thomas Jefferson
James Madison
Roger Sherman

Educational Review Games/ Websites:
Three Branches of Our Government
Village Life- Bill of Rights
Bill of Rights Matching Games
Constitution of the United States- Bill Of Rights 
Explaining the Articles of the Constitution
Explaining the Amendments of the Constitution
The Life of Ben Franklin

WMHT -Constitution Convention
WMHT - Just the Facts: Constitution
WMHT - Just the Facts: Bill of Rights & the Amendments  
WMHT- Constitution Quiz
WMHT- Just the Facts: Creating a New Nation

 Chapter 8
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #8
Levels of Government: National, State, & Local
Origin of the Dollar Bill
Remember Me- Flag Tribute

Reciting the Preamble
Life without Political Rights
Writing to a Model Citizen
Election Chart
Inauguration Facts
Mock Trial
Researching the Local Costs Needed to Maintain a Community
Branches of Our Government

Educational Review Games/ Websites:
Executive Branch:
Our President & the White House

Legislative Branch: Congress
Tour of the Capitol Building
 United States Senators
United States Representatives
New York Senators
New York Representatives

Judicial Branch: 
Supreme Court
Who Wants to Be a Million Dollar Citizen Game?
Jeopardy Game
Democracy Project
Make Your Case
Turning on Navigation: The game is meant to be played in a specific order but you can skip around by turning on the hidden navigation. Once you get to the main screen that shows the trial time line, you can turn on navigation by doing the following: 

- On a PC hold the Ctrl key down and click twice with your mouse on the Make Your Case logo in the upper left corner of the game. You can then navigate through the game in two ways: (1) click on the time line to go to any point in the game; (2) hold the Ctrl key down and use the forward and back keys to skip ahead or go back.

Rights of a Citizen
All about Politics
American Flag Etiquette
Census 2010
Population Diversity

Educational Photographs:
White House
US Capitol Building
Supreme Court

Twelve Angry Men
Just the Facts:  Executive Branch-  PBS/ WMHT Educational Film
Just the Facts:  Legislative Branch-  PBS/ WMHT Educational Film
Just the Facts:  Judicial Branch-  PBS/ WMHT Educational Film

Chapter 9
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #9

Educational Website:
Slideshow:  Presidents of the United States
Mount Vernon Virtual Tour
Life of George Washington

"GD Idol"
Designing a GD Flag
The First Lady, Martha Washington
Investigate United States Saving Bonds
Figureheads- Guiding Ships through the Violent Seas
Washington's' Cabinet Advisers
The Guillotine: Death Machine of the French Revolution
Federal Reserve System- Hamilton's Brilliant Idea
Our 1st President- George Washington

Educational Photographs:
John Adams
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Monticello- Jefferson's House
Picture of a Frigate from the 1800s

Educational Films:
Animal Farm

  Chapter 10
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #10

Recorded Journal of Wynantskill
Mapping the Trail
Changing Population
Graphing the Purchase

Educational Photographs
Meriwether Lewis
William Clark
Oliver Hazard Perry
Samuel Wilson- "Uncle Sam"

Educational Films:
PBS- Lewis And Clark: The Journey of Corps of Discovery
WMHT- The Unfinished Nation:  War of 1812, Embargo Act, Louisiana Purchase

Educational Websites:
Uncle Sam's Place
Uncle Sam Wikipedia
War of 1812- Interactive Map
American Flag- Inspiration of Star Spangled Banner
War of 1812- Collect the Stars

Chapters 11-15