8th Grade Assignments Chapter 21-25
8th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 16-2021, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26-30, Final Exam

Chapter 21
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #21
Immigration & Urbanization PowerPoint
Immigration Jeopardy
Grading Rubric for Immigration Essay

Projects/ Activities:
Immigration Essay
Analyzing Photographs
Graphing Population
Building a Skyscraper
Literature of the Times
Mark Twain's The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County
Poems by Paul Laurence Dunbar
Language of the Times

Immigration Guide
Talking Sports

Educational Photographs:
Mark Twain
Jane Adams- Founder of the Hull House
Paul Laurence Dunbar 
Horatio Alger

Educational Websites:

Online Citzenship Test
Tour of Ellis Island- 1900s
Tour of Ellis Island- Today
Tour of a Tenement
History Channel: Citizenship Quiz
Passenger Search
Login: gd_royals
Password:  lutz

A Day in the Life of an Irish Immigrant Boy

Educational Movies:

WMHT- The Statue of Liberty
WMHT- Freedom: A History of United States- Yearning to Breathe Again
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn

Chapter 22
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #22

Educational Photographs:
Booker T. Washington
W.E.B. Du Bois
Woodrow Wilson
Theodore Roosevelt
William Howard Taft
Boss William Tweed
George Washington Carver


Political Cartoon: Women Rights Movement
Flowchart of the Process of an Amendment
How Many Amendments were Proposed but Never Ratified
What makes an Amendment?
Muckrakers' use of Photography
Modern-Day Muckraker
Working Against Discrimination
Investigating "Demon" Rum

Chapter 23
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #23

Educational Photographs:

Joseph Pulitzer
William Randolph Hearst

Investigating Overseas Expansion
Seward's Folly, What a Joke
The Great Ocean's Greatest Explorer
Volcanic Islands that make home in the Pacific
Panama Canal
Aboard the USS Maine
Iditarod Trail

Educational Websites:

The Age of Imperialism
Panama Canal- Make the Dirt Fly
The Panama Canal

Spanish American War:  Birth of a Super Power
A Man, A Plan, A Canal- Panama
Rough Riders
A Night To Remember
Citizen Kane

Chapter 24
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #24

Projects/ Activities:
Talking Like a Soldier
Outfitting a Soldier
Technological Advancements of Weapons
Dietary Menu of a Soldier
Epidemics of World War I
Dough boys
Mapping out a Trench
Constructing a Trench
Life In a Trench
World War 1 Posters
World War Essay
World War Songs

Zimmerman Telegram

Educational Websites:
World War I Review- Walk the Plank
World War I- Animated Map
Virtual Tour- Life in the Trenches
Virtual Tour- Dogfight Over the Trenches
Virtual Tour- Front Line
Virtual Tour- Dug Out Entrance
Virtual Tour- Dug Out Interior

History Channel: Mail Call- Interrupter on a WWI Plane

History Channel: Mail Call- WWI Soldier's Pack
History Channel- Sinking of the Lusitania
History Channel- US battleship Engage in Navy Battle
Weapons of War:  Mark I Tank
Eyewitness to History: Tanks In Action
Animated Map of the Western Front
Foreign Military Service: No Defensive Forces, Voluntary, or Conscription

Educational Photographs:
Trench Conditions

All Quiet on the Western Front
The Lost Battalion
The Trench
The Dawn Patrol
WMHT- World War I 
World Wide Academics- Causes of World War I
The War File: The Zeppelin: History of the World's Greatest Airship

Chapter 25
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #25

Projects/ Activities:
Assembly Line
Newspaper of the Twenties
Emily Post, the Mother of Etiquette
Dancing the Charleston
Poetry of the Roaring Twenties
Language of the Times
Harlem Renaissance- African American Culture
Roaring Twenty Recipe
Baby Ruth Homerun Bars

Educational Websites:
Musee McCord Museum- The Roaring Twenties
Dance Marathons
Flagpole Sitting

Famous Jazz Musicians
Joining a Jazz Band

Educational Photographs:
Herbert Hoover
Calvin Coolidge
F. Scott Fitzgerald
Louis Armstrong
Assembly Line Photo A
Assembly Line Photo B
Henry Ford

Charles Lindbergh

Photographs of 1920 Fads:
Flagpole Sitting Picture 1
Flagpole Sitting Picture 2
Flagpole Sitting Picture 3
Dance Marathon

The Great Gatsby
Spirit of St. Louis
Eight Men Out
PBS/WMHT- Al Capone
Charlie Chaplin movies
PBS/WMHT- The Emergence of Modern America: Roaring Twenties

Chapters 26 - 30