8th Grade Assignments Chapter 26-30
8th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 16-2021-25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, Exam

Chapter 26
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet

PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #26
How to Read a Stock Index
Stock Market Activities

Projects/ Activities:
Then & Now: Comparing Prices from the Great Depression
FDR's-Was He Successful at Concealing It?
Comparing the Times
Great Depression Recipes:
Molasses Crinkles
Depression Cake

Educational Websites:

Join my free Stock Contest at HowTheMarketWorks.com!
(password: royals)

Yahoo Finance
New York Stock Exchange Home Page

Educational Photographs:
Radio Corporation Stock Certificate
Man Selling Car After Stock Market Crash
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Portrait
Explosion of German Zeppelin, Hindenburg over New Jersey
Stock Brokers looking at Ticker Tape
Unemployment Sign- Migrant Workers

Educational Films:
Cinderella Man
It's A Wonderful Life
Grapes of Wrath
Gone With the Wind
WMHT- Stock Market:  The Ups & Downs
WMHT- America in the 20th Century: The Great Depression & The New Deal
WMHT- An American Legacy: The Causes & Crises, Life After the Crash

Chapter 27
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #27

Manhattan Project
Causalities of World War II
Neo Nazi Party
Women's Contribution to the War
Truman's Decision
Scientific Advances
Unbreakable Code
Constructing an Enemy Plane
Mapping Seized Territories
WWII Recipes:
Apple & Coconut Pudding
Cheese Pudding 

Educational Review Game/ Website:
Naval Warfare- Battle of Atlantic
Rationing Challenge
USS Slater
Britannica Video- Attack of Pearl Harbor 

Educational Photographs:
Winston Churchill
Franklin Delano Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Joseph Stalin
Emperor Hirohito
Adolf Hitler
Benito Mussolini

Atomic Bomb- "Little Boy"
Mushroom Cloud over Hiroshima
Atomic Bomb- "Fat Man"
D-Day- "Invasion of Normandy"

Famous Speeches:
Franklin D. Roosevelt: On the War with Japan, December 9, 1941
Harry S. Truman:  Announcing the Surrender of Germany, May 8, 1945
Harry S. Truman:  Announcing the Surrender of Japan, September 1, 1945

Educational Films:
Sands of Iwo Jima
Flags of Our Fathers
Escape from Sobibor
Letters from Iwo Jima
Saving Private Ryan
The Great Escape
Tora Tora Tora
WMHT- The Unfinished Nation: Taking the Offensive- The Atomic Bomb Debate
WMHT- A Time Remembered: Lives of Japanese Americans Before, During, & After Pearl Harbor

Chapter 28
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #28 

Projects/ Activities:
Korean War: The Forgotten War
The Berlin Wall
Helicopters: The New Bird in the Sky
Crying Wolf
Do We Have A Big Enough Budget to Cover this War
The Inception of Sputnik Into Space
To Have or Not To Have Dictator
The Countryside of Vietnamese
USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin
DMZ's- What Are They Good For
Thirteen days- Cuban Missile Crisis
JFK's Speech on the Cuban Missile Crisis
Building a Fallout Shelter
Popcorn & a Movie- Rocky takes on Big Red
Who Started the Fire?
Truman Vs. MacArthur

Educational Websites:
Duck And Cover

Educational Photographs:
Berlin Wall (Shortly After Construction)
Berlin Airlift
General Douglas MacArthur
37th President Richard Nixon
38th President Gerald Ford
39th President Jimmy Carter
40th President Ronald Regan

Neil Armstrong
Mikhail Gorbachev
Landing on the Moon
Fidel Castro

Educational Speeches:
John F. Kennedy's Inaugural Address, January 20, 1961
John F. Kennedy's Speech on the Cuban Missile Crisis
Ronald Reagan: Address from the Brandenburg Gate (Berlin Wall), June 12, 1987
Richard M. Nixon: Resignation Speech, August 8, 1974

Educational Films:
We Were Soldiers
Apollo 13
Thirteen Days
WMHT- Vietnam War
WMHT-  History of the Race to the Moon
WMHT- The Cold War

Chapter 29
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #29

Projects/ Activities:
Mapping the Civil Rights Movement
Civil Rights Leaders
The Legendary, Jackie Robinson
The Changing World of Computers
Fifties Fashion
The Early Days of Television
Quiz Show Scandal of 1959
JFK's Assassination
Watergate Scandal Changes Language

Educational Films:
Raisin in the Sun
To Kill A Mockingbird
Rosa Park Story

Final Exam
The Exam will be divided into three parts to be administered in Social Studies class over two days

Structure of the Exam
Part I, II, III
80 Total Questions:
45 Multiple Choice Questions
24 Short Answer Questions 

11 Document Based Questions

Part IV
Four Essays

Review For Exam:
Study Guide
Essay Writing:  Hamburger Review
NYS Test Taking Strageties
Worksheet on DBQ Strageties