7th Grade Assignments Chapters 11-15

7th Grade
Assignments/Projects/Extra Credit

Chapter 1-56-10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, Final Exam

Chapter 11
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #11

 Projects/ Activities:
Invention Time Line
Interviewing a traveler on a Mississippi Steamboat
Lowell Factories
Accepting An Invitation
Weekly Salaries
Moses Brown is Coming to Town
Working at a Textile Mil
Webster Dictionary of a Textile Mill
Portrayal of Daniel Webster
The George Washington of Latin America

 Educational Photographs:
Moses Brown
Samuel Slater
John C. Calhoun
Daniel Webster
Henry Clay
Dewitt Clinton
James Monroe
Francis Cabot Lowell
Simon Bolivar
Robert Fulton's Steamboat, Clermont
Robert Fulton
Lowell Model Community
Slater's Mill
Industrial Farm/Cotton Gin
Antique Cotton Gin
Operations of Cotton Gin

Corduroy Road

Educational Videos:
WMHT- Working at a Lowell Mill
WMHT- Industrial Revolution

Chapter 12
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #12 

 Projects/ Activities:
Painting of the Trail of Tears
Researching Campaign Symbols
Counting Votes
Log Cabin Campaign
The Statue of Old Andrew Jackson
Log Cabin Recipes:

Mulled Apple Cider

Educational Photographs:
Andrew Jackson
Martin Van Buren
Martin Van Buren's House in Kinderhook, New York
John Quincy Adams
John Tyler
William Harrison
Chief Osceola

Educational Videos:
WMHT- Jacksonian Democracy
WMHT- Legacy of a Autocratic Leader

Chapter 13
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #13 
13 Days of Siege

 Projects/ Activities:
Pioneer Covered Wagon Project
What to Pack
Oregon Trail Sensory Essay
The Alamo:  Building a Scale Model
Talk like a Texan
The People of the Alamo
Building the Alamo
Forty-Niners Recipe:
California Smoothie
Texans Recipe:
Corn Dodgers
Texas Chili
Dutch Oven Scalloped Potatoes
Filbert Crescents

Educational Photographs:

Alamo-San Antonio, Texas
Sam Houston
John Sutter
Brigham Young
Mountain Men
William B. Travis
Joseph Smith
James K. Polk
General Santa Anna
Sutter's Mill

Interactive Educational Websites:
American Experience- Gold Rush, Strike It Rich
Gold Rush- Stories of the Lure & Legacy

Oregon Trail- Interactive Map
Oregon Trail- Fantastic Facts

The Alamo
WMHT- The American Experience: Remember the Alamo
WMHT-Westward Expansion: Old Texas & Trail Drives
WMHT-Westward Expansion: Mountain Men & Gold Seekers
WMHT-Westward Expansion: Covered Wagons & Westward Expansion

Chapter 14
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #14

Projects/ Activities:
Social Groups of the Southern Society in the Mid-1800s
Instructional Manual for the Cotton Gin
Factories:  Then & Now
Plantation Recipes:
Plantation-Baked Corn Bread
Sweetest Potato Pie

Educational Films:
WMHT- The Unfinished Nation:  Worlds Apart
WMHT- The Unfinished Nation: Master & Slave

Chapter 15
Assignment Sheet
Review Sheet
PowerPoint Presentation
Document Based Questions/ Primary Source Assignment #15

Directions for the following Projects/ Activities:

Educational Websites:
The Underground Railroad: Escape from Slavery

Myths of the Underground Railroad
Whispers of Angels: The Story of the Underground Railroad
Following the Drinking Gourd:  A Cultural History
Revolutionary Online Simulation:  Mission 2- Flight to Freedom

Educational Films:
WMHT- Whispers of Angels: The Story about the Underground Railroad

Final Exam
The Exam will be administered in Social Studies class over two periods.  

Structure of the Exam
Part I, II, III
40 Multiple Choice Questions
The questions will consist of their knowledge obtained from 7th Grade Social Studies that will include comprehension of reading passages, charts,
tables, historical qoutes & political cartoons.   

Review For Exam:
Study Guide
Essay Writing:  Hamburger Review
NYS Test Taking Strageties

Worksheet on DBQ Strageties

Educational Film:

WMHT- Just the Facts:  Fifty Great Years in American History