Campaign Finance
12th Grade Campaign Finance Inquiry
Does Money Matter in Political Campaigns?

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Staging the Compelling Question- Does money matter in politcal campaigns?

     Source A: 
Democratic National Committee, finance Call Sheet to Glaxo Inc., Politics and Economy: What Money Buys, Campaign  Finance Files, 1995

    Source B: Haley Barbour, letter from Haley Barbour to Republican Tom DeLay, Politics and Economy: What Money Buys, Campaign Finance Files, 1996

    Source C: Democratic National Committee, fundraiser List, Politics and Economy: What Money Buys, Campaign Finance Files, 1996

Source D:
Mitch McConnell, letter from Mitch McConnell on the Committee for Economic Development, Politics and Economy: What Money Buys, Campaign Finance Files, 1996:

 Supporting Question 1- How much does it cost to become a member of Congress?
Source A:
Staff, current members of the 114th Congress,, 2015

 Source B: Federal Election Commission, interactive campaign finance map,, 2015

   Supporting Question 2-  How do super PACs play a role in political campaigns?

Supporting Question 3-  How do super PACs play a role in political campaigns?
  • Source A: Staff, video explaining Super PACs, “‘Civics in a Minute’: What is a Super PAC?” TakePart, 2012. 
  • Source B: C-SPAN, video clip detailing the Citizens United v. FEC Supreme Court ruling, “Supreme Court Ruling Campaign Finance,” 2012 Teachers and their students can access this page and the information on the site, by clicking on this link:
  • Source C: Robert Barnes, article describing the influence of Super PACs, “Super PAC Mania” (excerpts), Columbia Law School Magazine, 2012  Columbia Law School Magazine. Used with permission.

Supporting Question 4- Should the government limit contributions to political campaigns?