3rd Grade Geography Inquiry
Where Are We?

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Staging the Question- Explore time-lapse videos and images taken from the International Space Station to launch the inquiry by clicking on the hyperlinks.
Supporting Question 1- Where are we, as a class community, located?
  • Source A: Google Maps  
Supporting Question 2- Where are we, as people on Earth, located?
  • Source B: Craig Mayhew and Robert Simmon, image of lights on Earth's surface, Earth's City Lights, 1995
Supporting Question 3- Why are we where we are?
  • Source A: Center for International Earth Science Information Network, map of global climate zones, Climate Zones, Global, 2007
  • Source B: Center for International Earth Science Information Network, map of global elevation zones, Elevation Zones Map, Global, 2007
Supporting Question 4 - Where are the "human footprints" on the earth?
  • Source A: Diaper Disaster
  • Source B: Human Footprint Consumption
  • Source C: US Environmental Protection Agency website on climate change
New York State Social Studies Framework Key Ideas & Practices 3.1: Geographic regions have unifying characteristics and can be studied using a variety of tools.
3.2: The location of world communities can be described using geographic tools and vocabulary.
3.3: Geographic factors often influence where people settle and form communities. People adapt to and modify their environment in different ways to meet their needs.
 Gathering, Using, and Interpreting Evidence     Geographic Reasoning     Civic Participation