Social Work and Services

Our Office can provide you with  a variety of information
about resources in the community and can help by making
 referrals or providing phone numbers to those agencies. If
you need information about parenting, counseling, domestic
violence/safe house, substance abuse, or recreational activities
 in the area, please feel free to call or stop by.

Click here for Phone #

 Character Education Suggestions for Parents
Character Education is the foundation upon which a child's values are built. Below are some suggestions to help your children develop positive character traits.
1. Don't make excuses for your child's inappropriate behavior.
2. Do not cover for your children when he/she has done something appropriate.
3. Limit your child's spending money and teach them to handle money responsibly.
1. Set reasonable expectations for your children and consistently hold them responsible.
2. Delegate household responsibilities to each family member.
3. Listen to all sides of a conflict.
1. Plan family service projects/volunteer in the community.
2. Always use a trash can.
3. Discuss local, national and world affairs-stay up on current events.
1. Say what you mean and mean what you say.
2. Live up to promises.
3. Be truthful.
1. Read to your children and keep good literature visible in the home.
2. Allow your child to solve appropriate problems.
3. Show respect for your spouse, children and to other people.
1. Know where your children are, who they are with, and what they are doing.
2. Pay attention to the television show, videos, and movies your children watch and the Internet sites they visit.
3. Use good manners.
Modeling good character in the home is the best way to teach character education.