Homework Hints
                                       Homework Policy
*Assign homework to practice skills
and reviews knowledge.
*Provide homework to meet
individual needs
*Give clear directions.
*Provide timely feedback to
students and acknowledge effort.
*Notify parents about concerns or
*Inform parents and students about
all classroom expectations.
*Know your assignment.
*Complete the assignment.
*Try your best.
*Do quality work.
*Bring homework back on time.
*Make homework a priority.
*Provide a consistent time and
place to study.
*Give help, when needed.
*Sign homework.
*Notify the teacher about concerns
or questions.
Parents should provide:
Pencils, pens, crayons, scissors,
in a set place for children to use.
Teacher/School should provide:
*Assignment books
*Written clear directions

We believe that homework will have a positive effect on our students' achievement.

Provides practice and reinforcement of learning.
Encourages self discipline and responsibility.
  Teaches our students to work independently.
   Fosters positive attitudes towards our school.
Communicates the idea that learning can 
take place at home as well as school.

Set regular time for homework.
Read a book if no homework is assigned.
   Turn the TV off until homework is completed.
Give some playtime to your child each day.

                                                Provide your child with a quiet place, 
                                                        such as a table or desk with no distractions.
                                                         Separate children with homework from those

                  with no homework.