Teachers Involving Parents & Students

    T.I.P. : Teachers Involving

Verbal recognition and praise for a job well done

Immediate recognition for a terrific accomplishment

Showing an interest in what they have done

Giving additional support when they need it

Sharing a chore or canceling it
Parents and Students

Teaching Responsibility:
Responsibilities are the job and duties that
are part of our lives. We are responsible to ourselves, our families, friends, neighbors,
teachers, town,state, and country. A
responsible person is someone who meets
those jobs and duties, is reliable and
trustworthy, and able to make good

Some strategies to help your
children act responsible:

* be a good role model

* give your children opportunities
to do things for themselves,
even if they don't do it perfectly.

* Make sure your children know
what is expected of them

*encourage your child to be
helpful at home, school, etc.

*establish your child to be
helpful at home, school, etc.

*reward and praise your child for
responsible behavior

*encourage creative decision-making

*don't solve every problem for
your children immediately