Accelerated Reader


The Accelerated Reader Program is a computerized and motivational software program that monitors literature-based reading practice. The goal of Coburn’s Reading Program is that students become lifelong learners that love to read. Accelerated Reader is an additional tool that is used to achieve that goal.


Students participating in the Accelerated Reader Program find it’s as easy to use as 123!

1. Students select and read a book.

2. Students take a 5-10 question test on the computer on the book they have read, a book they have been using in class, or a book the teacher has read to them.

3. As students pass tests, they earn points and receive rewards. When students reach different point levels they are given rewards such as bookmarks, certificates, medals, and pins. The ultimate goal is to reach 100 points and to receive an Accelerated Reader T-Shirt.

Accelerated Reader

motivates students to read because:

It’s FUN!

It’s computerized.

It’s individualized.

Students are awarded points for passing tests.

Students are recognized for goals that are reached.

It builds self-esteem.

It’s self-paced.

and it’s FUN!!!!!!!