
Welcome to Ms. Estes' web page!
Check here often for study helps, assignments, and handouts.

This year in my class, you will need:
  • blue/black pens
  • loose leaf paper
  • a binder to keep important papers.
Semester 1 2015-2016 Assignments & Class Agendas
Wed. Sept. 9:
Class: Went over ELA 10 policies/procedures.
Assignment:   Choose a quote above and write a few paragraphs about how it has applied to your life or how it could/should apply to your life, and use personal stories/ examples about your life to demonstrate your ideas:
  • “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”  ? Kurt Vonnegut
  • “If you say you can or you can't, you are right either way”   ? Henry Ford
  •  “Make it a point to do something every day that you don’t want to do. This is the golden rule for acquiring the habit of doing your duty without pain.” ?Mark Twain
Thurs. Sept. 10:
Class: Took ELA 10 pre-test. Assignments: None

Fri. Sept. 11:
Class: Finished ELA 10 pre-test; discussed Latin and Greek root words and introduced AQUA/HYDR roots and words. Assignments: Study for next Friday's AQUA/HYDR vocab quiz.

Mon. Sept. 14:
Began reading "The Palace Thief," pp. 155-161. Discussed complex characters. Worked on "Detail Expansion" chart form A or B. Assignment: Finish "Detail Expansion" chart you were given for homework if you did not complete it in class.

Tues. Sept. 15.
Class: Read pp. 161-166 in "The Palace Thief." Assignments: Collected for credit in class:
Depending upon which Detail Expansion form you completed yesterday, write a well-supported (use evidence from your completed handout) short response about the following question and be prepared to share your answer.

    Form A: What relationship is being established between Hundert and St. Benedict’s school?
    Form B: What is the narrator’s (Mr. Hundert's) opinion of Sedgewick Bell?
Homework: Complete the "Complex Characters" Chart and Short Response handout.

Wed. Sept. 16:
Class:  Took NWEA tests in GEAR Assignment:  none

Thurs. Sept. 17:
Class: Took practice vocab quiz. Read pp. 166-171
in "The Palace Thief." . Assignment: "Questions for Discussion 1.2.3" handout.

Fri. Sept. 18:
Class: Took AQUA/HYDR vocab quiz. Read pp. 171-175 in "The Palace Thief." Assignments: 1. Collected for credit in class:
Quick Write: Using thorough textual evidence (use your discussion question answers) answer the following question: "
Describe the impact that Sedgewick’s cheating has on himself and on Mr. Hundert."  2. Homework: Complete the Multiple Motivations handout.

Mon. Sept. 21:

Class: Read pp. 176-181 in "The Palace Thief." Assignment: Complete "Questions for Discussion 1.2.5" if you did not finish in class.

Tues. Sept. 22.
Class: Discussed homework discussion questions. Read pp. 181-190 in “The Palace Thief.” Worked in groups to complete text analysis of this portion of the reading. (handout).
Wed. Sept. 23
Class: Finished group text-analysis work. Took Mid-Unit Assessment on “The Palace Thief.” Assignment: none