Remind App
If you would like to get a daily message from me via email or text, you can do so by subscribing to my "Remind" class.

I send messages about homework, upcoming tests and quizzes, and any other information you might need.

I encourage parents AND students to subscribe
 Math 8 students and parents:

text @d2kdd34 to the number 81010

They’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @d2kdd34 to (607) 238-4292.

Algebra 8 students and parents:

text @d232aa to the number 81010

They’ll receive a welcome text from Remind.
If anyone has trouble with 81010, they can try texting @d232aa to (607) 238-4292.

Remind will send you messages with follow-up instructions

Privacy concern?
You cannot send messages to me via Remind. Any message for me should be sent via email to

I cannot see YOUR personal information. I cannot see your email or cell phone number.

You do NOT need to get the app on your smartphone.