
Welcome to the 6th Grade Makers team!

Welcome to Mr. Liquori's 6th grade ELA and Social Studies classroom. There are two components to this course: ELA and World History. 

ELA: In English/Language Arts, students will continue to work on reading skills. They will begin practicing close reading and analytical skills with both fiction and non-fiction texts. In addition to literary skills such as theme, central idea, point of view, and plot, technical literacy skills will be taught such as author's purpose, non-fiction point of view, text structure, and synthesizing information to create writing projects. Writing skills that will be taught include narrative, expository, and argumentative topics. Finally, students will learn the complexities of language through vocabulary, figurative and connotative language, and grammar.


Social Studies: This year, students will survey the early history of the Eastern Hemisphere. They'll travel from Mesopotamia to Egypt, over to China and India, back to Africa, and up to Greece and Rome as well as Israel. In addition, students will learn how religion and conflict has connected and impacted world history. Further, students will have the opportunity to learn what it means to be an historian! They will begin not only learning about history, but also joining the conversation among historians themselves. Students will do this through authentic texts, primary sources, and Document Based Question projects.

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