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Title: The Vampire Diaries The Awakening And Struggle by L. J. Smith

    In the Awakening there is a girl named Elena Gilbert and everyone adores her, every girl wants to be her, and every guy wants to date her. Elena has just returned from her trip to Paris and is going back so school.Steffan Salvatore is the new guy that everyone likes including Elena. Elena tried to talk to Steffen but she froze and could not talk and Steffen walked away. Later that day Elena went to see her parents at the grave yard who had died in a car accident. After a while being at the grave yard Elena's best friends showed up. Meredith, Bonnie, and Elena started walking back towards the house after they promised to help Elena get Steffen. All of the sudden Bonnie froze and it was scaring everyone Meredith screamed causing Elena to scream and all of them started running towards the bridge thinking someone was following them. Elena was a  little uncomfortable because that was were her parents got into the car crash. The girls jumped of the bridge towards a sandy area were they were now save on the other side of the bridge.  

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Comment Posted by: Donohue at 08:12:20 AM on 01/14/2015

Hi Leah, run a spell check (" tords") then let me know and I'll publish it. Sounds like a scary book!