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Website Calendar - ALT Spanish I - Period 2 - LST Spanish Conversation and Culture 2011- 2012 - Morrow semester 2 Spanish 1B class - Sp Conv & Cult 8 - Period 04 - Spanish 1 - Period 9-4A - Spanish 1 - Period 9-6 - Spanish 1A - Spanish 1B - Period 9-1 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-3 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-5 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-5 - Spanish 2 - Period 9-2 - Spanish 2 - Period 9-4 - Spanish 8 2011-2012 - Spanish Culture and Conversation - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 03 - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 11 - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 12 - Spanish grade 8 - Spanish hybrid semester 1 - Spanish I MS - Period 4 - Spanish I MS - Period 7 - Spanish I MS - Period 9 - Spanish virtual semester 1 - summer school
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Events for February 2012 
Activities/Homework for February 2012 
AssignedDate DueActivity






places in the community
places in the community

places in the community
places in the community

places in the community
places in the community

activities and places
match the activity with the place it is done at

activities and places
what do you do where?

places in the community
places in the community