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Events for September 2010 
13Life Function Quiz 

Topic 1 notes pages 1-2

15Parents' Night 

7:00 - 8:15pm

17Unity & Diversity Quiz 

Topic 1 Notes pages 1-5 (up through and including the Scientists)

24Organelle, Metric and Microscope Quiz 

Be able to label plant & animal cells organelles and know their functions. You should also know how to convert mm to um or vice versa and show your work. There will also be questions related to the general use & functions of the microscope and determining the size of a cell under the microscope.

29Biochem Quiz 

Unit 1 notes pages 7-14

29Unit 1/Lab Skills Exam (period 7/8 only) 
30Unit 1/Lab Skills exam (period 1/2)