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Events for March 2011 
2marking period 5 ends 
3Biochem Quiz 
Unit 1 notes 7-14 
4Marking Period 5 Ends 
4Unit 1 & Lab Skills exam 
Exam will include all of unit 1. It will also include the Lab Skills unit except for: gel electrophoresis and chromatography. 
14Photosynthesis Quiz 
Topic 2 notes pages 1-6 
16Report Cards Issued 
Period 3/4 - Diffusion Lab Quiz
Period 5/6 - Respiration Quiz 
23Parents' Night 

6:30 - 8:30 pm

Period 3/4 - Respiration Quiz
Period 5/6 - Diffusion Lab Quiz 
25Homeostasis Quiz 
Comparing index species life processes: plant, monera, protists, grasshopper and earthworm 
28Unit 2 Exam 
31Human Nutrition Quiz 
Unit 3 Notes pages 1-4