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Website Calendar - MATH GRADE 6 - 6R - MATH GRADE 6 - 6T
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Events for October 2014 
9Open House 
10No School- Conference Day 
13No School Columbus Day 
14Parent Teacher Conference Day 
Students are dismissed at 10:40 am 
15Parent Teacher Conference Day 
Students are dismissed at 10:40 am 
21Parent Teacher Conference Day 
Students are dismissed at 10:40 am 
22Parent Teacher Conference Day 
Students are dismissed at 10:40 am 
30October Reading Log Due 
2 books this month, and 1 must be a mystery! 
31Halloween Parade 
The entire school will participate in the Halloween parade beginning at 1:10 pm.  Make sure that you bring your costume to school so we can change after lunch!