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Website Calendar - ALT Spanish I - Period 2 - LST Spanish Conversation and Culture 2011- 2012 - Morrow semester 2 Spanish 1B class - Sp Conv & Cult 8 - Period 04 - Spanish 1 - Period 9-4A - Spanish 1 - Period 9-6 - Spanish 1A - Spanish 1B - Period 9-1 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-3 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-5 - Spanish 1B - Period 9-5 - Spanish 2 - Period 9-2 - Spanish 2 - Period 9-4 - Spanish 8 2011-2012 - Spanish Culture and Conversation - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 03 - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 11 - Spanish Grade 7 - Period 12 - Spanish grade 8 - Spanish hybrid semester 1 - Spanish I MS - Period 4 - Spanish I MS - Period 7 - Spanish I MS - Period 9 - Spanish virtual semester 1 - summer school
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Events for December 2009 
page 48 
page 47 study for vocab quiz on Friday 
activities vocabulary ¿Qué te gusta hacer? 
4Spanish Club 
piñata making and Spanish Christmas Carrols 
sentence wrting worksheet with Me gusta 
snetence writing responses to questions worksheet 
sentence writing worksheet 
Students will receive for homework their review packet for the unit 
11Spanish Club 
finish the piñatas and Spanish Christmas Carrolls 
students will begin their projects today a wanted poster or passport 
work on project 
work on projects 
18Spanish Club 
Spanish Christmas parade (the reenactment of the posadas) and the breaking of the piñata 
18projects are due today 
Personal ID projects are due today 
21Unit Exam 
This will be the unit exam for Persoanl ID Unit. There will be reading, writing, listening and speaking components to this exam. 
24No school 
25No school