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Events for June 2009 
2no homework 
4review session for the final exam 
Review Session for the final exam students that attend will receive 2 extra bonus points on the final exam. Snacks will be provided. 3:15-4:15  
5Unit Exam leisure Unit 
Mini version of the unit exam. Students will re required to answer 10 listening questions and 8 reading questions based upon movies and sports 
9review session 2 for the final exam 
review seesion come and prepare for the final exam. Snacks will be provided. Students will recieve 2 extra bonus points on the final exam. 3:15-4:15 
11Final exam - part I and II periods 11 and 12 only 
parts I and II of the final exam to be given in the library for periods 11 and 12 only 
12final exam 
Final exam for all classes in the library 
Fiesta Day and Movie day bring a snack for the class or make some authentic Spanish food to share with your classmates.