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Events for January 2010 
4Creative Writing on Winter Break Due 1-5-10 
Students are to write a one page or longer creative writing assignment on what they did over break. This can include one event in detail or all events 
6Greek and Roman Humanities Project Due Project Night 1-26-10 6:00 - 7:30 cafeteria 
Students are researching in and out of school on Greek and Roman times to create and present projects to classmates and the public on 1-26-10 at night 
11Revise, Highlight, and Resubmit Old Copies & New Final Copy of Gilgamesh Due 1-15-10 
Students were given back the Gilgamesh essay with comments and feedback throughout. Students must revise essay until it meets checklist requirements. 
29Read The Odyssey -first three challenges  
Students read the first three challenged Odysseus faced - Cicones, Lotus Eaters, & Polyphemus. A 1/2 page retelling is due for each challenge. 
29Honors - Read pages 1-18 of The Odyssey by Homer - Due 2-1-10 
Students are to read and take notes on the three strands of the story in books 1 & 2. Take notes on your own paper highlighting characters & events.