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Events for March 2010 
3Quiz - First 10 stories - The Odyssey - 3-4-10 
Students have been reading in class daily and retelling the various stories of Odysseus from different points of view. Quiz tomorrow on stories 5-10. 
3Honors - Read 179-189 The Odyssey by Homer - Due 3-4-10 
Students are reading ten pages nightly for The Odyssey. Taking notes on events and people will help with understanding, discussions, and quizzes. 
4Progress Reports - Signed & Returned - Due 3-5-10 
Students need to complete all work including Gilgamesh essay rewrite by Monday to go in the five week grade. Students are asked to complete work ASAP 
813 scenes from The Odyssey retelling Due: 3-10-2010 
Now that we have finished The Odyssey in class, students are asked to finish all 13 retellings of the various scenes. These will be collected Wed. 
8Quiz - Honors - The Odyssey pages 159-209 - Wednesday 3-10-2010 
Students in Honors are reading ten pages a night and being quizzed weekly. Students are expected to use their own notes to help on the quizzes, 
8Gilgamesh Essay Revision Final Checklist Criteria Met - Due ASAP - I am staying after 3-9-10 (3-4) 
Students are completing the Gilgamesh essay meeting the quality defined in the rubric/checklist. This is 1/4 of the grade. I will stay after to help 
9Quiz - 13 scenes - The Odyssey - Wednesday 3-10-2010 
Now that we have finished The Odyssey in class, students are taking a quiz on the entire epic. An in class essay will happen next week. 
12Honors - Finish Reading The Odyssey Due: 3-16-10 
Honors are asked to read from pages 209-239 over the weekend and complete notes on characters and events. Quiz next Wednesday. Essay to follow. 
12Gilgamesh Essay Past Due Turn in ASAP 
Students are to meet rubric of expectations on revision and editing checklist for Gilgamesh essay. This is past due but still accepted for credit.  
23Essay Revision in class on Discovery of Beauty essay Due 3-25-10 
Students have learned how to grade and score the ELA Regents (write better) by studying the rubric and sample essays. We are rewriting this week.