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Events for October 2012 
1The week in review 
Week of Oct. 1
Students will have the opportunity to make up last weeks 9 verb / conjugation quiz.
Students will know the Spanish and English interrogative words, and common questions that use them.
The topic and Spanish vocabulary associated with "Professions" will be introduced.
There will be a worksheet given Tuesday and due Thursday in class.
A test is given on Friday concerning interrogative words and the common questions associated with them
4Worksheet due 
There will be a worksheet given Tuesday and due Thursday in class.
5Quiz: interrogative words 
A test is given on Friday concerning interrogative words and the common questions associated with them
16Homework that is due Wednesday 
Eighth grade Spanish students will have homework Tuesday night that is due Wednesday.  The assignment is to rewrite the Spanish paragraph on their future career.  It was written in their notebooks in class, and should be rewritten neatly on a separate piece of paper, and include an original sentence.  Six sentences is the minimum.

18Speaking task to be graded: My future profession 
Thursday and Friday students will be graded on speaking their paragraphs out loud in small groups.
They may be read off paper, or they may be memorized for additional credit.

19Speaking task to be graded: My future profession 
Thursday and Friday students will be graded on speaking their paragraphs out loud in small groups.
They may be read off paper, or they may be memorized for additional credit.

19Speaking task to be graded: My future profession 
Thursday and Friday students will be graded on speaking their paragraphs out loud in small groups.
They may be read off paper, or they may be memorized for additional credit.

23Worksheet and quiz questions 
Here are the quiz questions

And the worksheet:

24Worksheet and quiz questions 
Here are the quiz questions

And the worksheet:
25Worksheet and quiz questions 
Here are the quiz questions

And the worksheet:

26Worksheet and quiz questions 
Here are the quiz questions

And the worksheet: