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Events for November 2011 

Monday/Tuesday homework:   Do quiz corrections (due Wednesday), also study interrogative words in Spanish (they are on Friday’s quiz).


Wednesday homework:  Translating one “help wanted” ad into English.  The ads are on the blue handout,  (Profesiones 5).  Also review interrogative words, and the formation of the future tense.


Thursday Homework:  Study the interrogative words and the future tense.


Friday:  Quiz on the interrogative words and the future tense.

7Simple homework 

Monday Homework:   Know your future profession in Spanish

La página amarilla para miércoles.
Yellow sheet to be complete for Wednesday 
9Tarea / Homework 

Wednesday  in class and Homework:  Written script of an interview for your profession.

10Intrevistas / Interviews 
Spoken job interview scripts in class 
16Tuesday classwork due for a grade 

Students will continue writing a letter home describing his or her job.

The letter outline:  
      -   Introduction
     -    paragraph about the job
      -   paragraph about the location of the job
    -     paragraph about the new people met
       -  paragraph about this job in the future (use future tense)
      -   Closing 
18Submit the Spanish letter 
Students will submit their letter for a grade

Neatness is part of the grade.

 The letter is composed both as a group as well as individually.

The letter outline:
- Introduction
- paragraph about the job
- paragraph about the location of the job
- paragraph about the new people met
- paragraph about this job in the future (use future tense)
- Closing

November 21st, Monday, all 8th grade Spanish students will be taking an important Spanish writing assessment. They will write an informal letter with professions as a theme with some use of the future tense. It must be between 75 and 125 words in length.

A worksheet to help them organize the task will be given on Friday the 18th.

21writing assessment 
Students will be asked to write an informal letter in Spanish between 75 and 150 words.  No outside sources (dictionaries, notes, etc.) are to be used.  A worksheet to help them organize the task will be given on Friday the 18th.
Students will submit a paragraph of 6 sentences. The first sentence will be the question:  ¿Cómo tengo éxito en la clase de español?  -- How am I (will I be) successful in Spanish Class?  The following 5 sentences begin with  "double verb" expressions that are represented in the acronym NQTIP, and end with different expressions that talk about ways to be successful in class.  NQTIP and the 20 expressions for success are in notes taken or handed out in class and should be in the student's notebook.  The 6 sentences are first in Spanish, then in Translated into English. 
30Homework: continued from Tues. 
Homework described on Tues the 29th is due in class on Thursday, Dec 1.