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Events for November 2012 
2QTIP quiz 
Students will be able to write simple phrases using the acronym QTIP plus an infinitive (verb), in Spanish, and then translated to English.


Quiero  nadar.    I want to swim
Tengo que escribir.  I have to write.
(Ir)  Voy a patinar.    I am going to skate.
Puedo correr.     I can run.

EXtra credit:   Necesito estudiar.   (I need to study.) 
Note:  Any infinitives may be used, but they should not repeat.
8Paragraph due 
A paragraph using dormir, as well as 2 QTIP grammatical constructions, worked on in class, is due Thurs. Nov. 8.
There will be a quiz on the construction of the future tense, Friday, Nov. 9.
These are the first marks of the second quarter.
9Quiz on the future tense 
A paragraph using dormir, as well as 2 QTIP grammatical constructions, worked on in class, is due Thurs. Nov. 8.
There will be a quiz on the construction of the future tense, Friday, Nov. 9.
These are the first marks of the second quarter.
14Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
15Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
16Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
17Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
18Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
19Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
20Spanish up to Thanksgiving 
All students are preparing for an important written test. It will be completed in class on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. 19 and 20.

Students are expected to write between 100 and 150 words in Spanish on the topic of "My future plans / my future profession."

Students will be writing each day in class, and should study each night at home.
26This week 
Spanish students begin a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense will be introduced.
A paragraph describing what they wear will be homework due Thursday in class.
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on 25 words that students have in their notes.
Spanish students begin a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense will be introduced.
A paragraph describing what they wear will be homework due Thursday in class.
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on 25 words that students have in their notes.

Here is a link for the list:
Spanish students begin a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense will be introduced.
A paragraph describing what they wear will be homework due Thursday in class.
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on 25 words that students have in their notes.