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Events for December 2012 
3The week's work 
Spanish students will continue a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense (preterite) will be introduced.
HW (MODIFIED ON Dec. 5)-- for Thursday 5 sentences in the past tense written in their notebooks
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on the remaining words on the vocab list that students have in their notes.

Here are a flashcard links to study the vocab!
Spanish students will continue a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense (preterite) will be introduced.
HW (MODIFIED ON Dec. 5)-- for Thursday 5 sentences in the past tense written in their notebooks
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on the remaining words on the vocab list that students have in their notes.

There are a flashcard links to study the vocab!
7The quiz (vocab) 
Spanish students will continue a new unit this week on shopping and clothing. The past tense (preterite) will be introduced.
HW (MODIFIED ON Dec. 5)-- for Thursday 5 sentences in the past tense written in their notebooks
On Friday there will be a vocabulary quiz on the remaining words on the vocab list that students have in their notes.

There are a flashcard links to study the vocab!  Visit the Homework link,  or look under
Activities  (Ropa II)
12Quiz approaching 
Spanish students will have a quiz on the preterite (past) tense on Thursday Dec. 13.
It will involve conjugating verbs and making simple sentences. Specific notes are online.
Spanish students will have a quiz on the preterite (past) tense on Thursday Dec. 13.
It will involve conjugating verbs and making simple sentences. Specific notes are online.
19Estudia! Study! 
A quiz onThursday ( Dec. 20)   involves the 21 common questions (Preguntas comunes) found as a separate link on the main navigation menu of Sr. McGrath's online classroom.  Students must answer in complete sentences for full credit. 
21 Common questions in Spanish.  "Preguntas Comunes"