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Events for June 2010 
7Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
10Third Grade Screening  
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
10BES Field Day 
14Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
15Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
16Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
17Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
17Fassett Field Day 
18Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
21Third Grade Screening 
All third graders will be trying out instruments to get an idea of what they may like to play next year. 
24Last Day of School!