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Events for October 2014 
9PFO Meeting 
5:00 in the Hanlon Library 
10Conference Day 
No school for students
11Happy birthday, Michael! 

13Columbus Day 
No school
20BC Cate Book Fair 
21BC Cate Book Fair 
22BC Cate Book Fair 
22Happy birthday, McKenzie! 

23BC Cate Book Fair 
24BC Cate Book Fair 
24Emergency Early Release Day 
Students will be dismissed 15 minutes early.
24BC Cate Octoberfest and Fright Night 
6:00 - 8:00 
30Picture make-ups and retakes 
31Happy Halloween! 
Our class will have a small Halloween party. I will provide refreshments for our celebration, but, if you choose, “goody bags” and/or wrapped treats for the children may also be shared.

During the afternoon, the students of B.C. Cate Elementary will have an in-house parade. If your child will be participating in this event, s/he should bring a costume to school that morning. Please do not send masks, make-up and/or weapons of any kind (toy guns, plastic knives, etc.).
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.