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Website Calendar - English Language Arts Grade 1 - Period - Math Grade 1 - Period - Mrs. Smith's Class - Science Grade 1 - Period - Social Studies Grade 1 - Period
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
Events for March 2016 
1Book Fair 
2Book Fair 
3Book Fair 
4Book Fair 
4Pajama Day 
7Math-a-thon begins. 
9Spring pictures will be taken. 
10Dress Your Best Day 
11Conference Day 
No school 
16Happy birthday, Hannah! 
17Happy Saint Patrick's Day! 
18School Spirit Day 
18Report cards will be issued. 
18Early Release Day 
BC Cate students are dismissed at 11:10. 
24Sports Day 
25Good Friday 
No school 
26Happy birthday, Emma-Kate! 
27Happy Easter! 
28No school 
31Hat Day