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Events for June 2014 
3Happy birthday, Dominick! 
5Relay Recess 
6Full day of school 
Please note the change from the district calendar. 
12Happy birthday, Trace! 
13Father's Day Coffee Break 
Our class will host this event from 1:15 - 1:45. 
17Kindergarten Music Program 
1:15 performance for families
18Track and Field Day (Grades 1 and 2) 

Our rain date is June 24.

20Vitamin L Concert 
This event is for BC Cate students and staff.
20Picnic lunch 
This event is for BC Cate students and staff.
23Early Release Day 
Your child will be dismissed at 11:10. 
23Career Day (Grades 1 and 2) 
23Happy birthday, Sydney! 
24Rain date for Track and Field Day 
24Early Release Day 
Your child will be dismissed at 11:10. 
25Early Release Day 
Your child will be dismissed at 11:10. 
26Early Release Day 
Your child will be dismissed at 11:10. 
26Report cards will be issued. 
26Last day of school for students 
Have a wonderful summer!