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Events for June 2016 
2Happy birthday, Kayden! 
14Kindergarten Music Program 
Family and friends are invited to a 1:15 performance. 
15Track and Field Day for Grades 1 and 2 
Events will begin at 8:50. 
16Rain date for Track and Field Day 
16Father's Day Coffee Break 
Our class will host this event from 12:30 - 1:00. 
17BC Cate's 50th Year Anniversary Celebration 
Evening activities begin at 6:00, with a special re-dedication ceremony at 6:30. 
17Happy birthday, Ethan! 
17Picnic Day for BC Cate students and staff 
19Happy Father's Day! 
20Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
21Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
21Career Day for Grades 1 and 2 
22Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
23Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
23Report cards will be issued. 
24Graduation for the OMCS Class of 2016 
6:00 PM in the high school auditorium