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Events for June 2017 
3Happy birthday, Emma! 
5Happy birthday, Payton! 
7Happy birthday, Gabryal! 
9Library books are due. 
14Track and Field Day (Grades 1 and 2) 
Events will begin at 8:50.
Rain date - June 15 
16BC Cate Picnic 
16Father's Day Coffee Break 
10:00 - 10:30 
16Field Trip to Watkins Glen State Park 
11:00 - 2:00 
18Happy Father's Day! 
19Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
20Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
20Career Day (Grades 1 and 2) 
21Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
22Early Release Day 
BC Cate students will be dismissed at 11:10. 
22Report cards will be issued. 
High School Auditorium, 6:00