Living Environment
Alternative Education-Science
Coopers Education Center
Biology (required) NYS Regents

Course Description:  At the present time the alternative education science department at Coopers Education Center is using a curriculum that incorporates the fundamental concepts present in the current New York State regents exam and includes the New York State Learning Standards.  The outline of this course is as follows:
I    Unity and Diversity of Living Things
            A  Cell Structure                                 D  Life Functions
            B  Chemistry of Organisms                E   Classification
            C  Enzymes
II  Maintenance Of Living Things
            A  Nutrition                                        D  Regulation
            B  Locomotion                                    E  Respiration
            C  Plant Biology                                 F  Transport
III Human Physiology
            A  Circulation                                     E  Regulation
            B  Digestion                                       F  Respiration
            C  Excretion                                      G  Reproduction and Development
            D  Locomotion                                   H  Disease
IV Reproduction and Development
            A  Asexual Reproduction
            B  Sexual Reproduction
V  Genetics
            A  Heredity Disorders                        E  Nucleic Acids
            B  Mendelian Principles                     F  Population Genetics
            C  Modern Genetics                          G Karotypes
            D  Mutations
VI Evolution
            A  Evidence Of Evolution                  C  Theories of Evolution
            B  Heterotroph Hypothesis
VII Ecology
            A  Ecosystems                                    E  Energy Relationships
            B  Biomes                                           F  Habitat
            C  Conservation                                  G  Ecological Organization
            D  The Flow of Cycles                        H  Ecological Succession
Also included in this curriculum are laboratory exercises related to areas of study that will assist students in preparing for the exam, and will also satisfy the required 1200 minutes of laboratory time required to sit for this exam. Practice regents exams as well as review classes will be conducted prior to the exam.