Helping your child


·       Listen to them and pay attention to their problems.

·       Read to them.  Read with them.  Discuss the books they are reading.

·       Talk about school and how their day went.

·       Limit their television time.

·       Have books and other reading material in the house

·       Discuss the daily news with them.

·       Have a regularly scheduled study time and help them find a quiet place to study.  Turn off the TV.

·       Review their homework; check for their homework and planner.

·       Check out their class web pages or receive a Parent Portal account if you are unsure of their assignments.

·       Help them organize their materials and have them ready for the next morning.

·       Call or e-mail for a parent conference anytime you feel a need to communicate with their teachers.

·       Be POSITIVE about school, let them know school is important