Introduction, Expectations, Curriculum

Welcome to 4th Grade in Ms. Jennifer Wilkie’s Class


South Hill Elementary



“We are all crew, not passengers.”


         This quote speaks to what I feel is most important in a learning community….all of us, working together, supporting each other in rigorous, engaging, and relevant studies to enrich our lives and contribute to our world in a positive way.


    I would like to take this opportunity to welcome families to Fourth Grade! This is an exciting beginning, and I am looking forward to teaching and learning with each of the students.


    First, to introduce myself…this is my 8th year teaching 4th grade at South Hill! Before joining the staff, I was a full time mom to my two children, and a tutor of English as a Second Language in Ithaca. Prior to that, I taught fifth grade in Durham, North Carolina, and worked in the field of environmental education for a river advocacy organization, American Rivers. Teaching and learning about many things is a passion of mine, but I especially enjoy the outdoors. I also enjoy playing with my family, swimming, biking and running.


    I’m a big believer in teamwork, and the connection between families and school is critical to your student’s success. Our communication is a cornerstone of this connection. I will send home newsletters, corrected homework, and notes to keep you updated on your child’s progress, current studies and important upcoming dates and events. We also have a class website, accessible through the South Hill Elementary site, where you will find these notices and many exciting links. Also, each student has a Homework Folder meant to carry assignments (typically Monday through Thursday) and notices and notes from school. Students should take responsibility for checking their folder each night and passing along important information to you. Completed homework can be kept in this folder and returned to school when due.


    If you need to contact me please call the school and leave a message, or email me at I can be reached at home most evenings after 6 and before 8:30.


Now, onto other important information…


    You will receive a handbook from South Hill that describes expectations for behavior, the school calendar, attendance policies, etc. Please read it carefully, and save for reference. Also, I have enclosed my classroom guidelines that I go through carefully with the students, and which they are responsible for following. A supportive classroom community where children can take the risks they need to learn and grow is of great importance to me, and this requires children to act respectfully, and kindly toward each other, and to take their learning responsibilities seriously.


Arrival: Our day begins at 7:40…children who ride buses will either enjoy breakfast or head directly to the classroom. We have a variety of morning routines, settling in and community jobs to be done. Walkers, car riders, etc. should plan on being in the classroom, settled, and ready to go at 8. Announcements, the Pledge of Allegiance, happen at 8, then we proceed to our Morning Meeting, then into our academic day. Our specials this year are at the very end of the day, from 1:15-1:55.


Snack: Our recess and lunch are from 10:50-11:35. I strongly encourage you to send in a healthy snack daily to keep your student’s energy up. Please do not send in candy, or highly sugary foods, I’ll work to help them notice the importance of “you are what you eat!” We do not have a specific snack time, children are allowed to eat when they are hungry. I trust them to do this without making it a distraction to their learning. I also encourage children to bring in a water bottle to drink from during the day. Please make sure it is labeled with their name on it. Please only send water to drink in the classroom.


If you would like to contribute a healthy snack, such as fresh fruit, to our class at any time, we greatly appreciate it! If families would like to send in a treat for a child's birthday, we'd love to help them celebrate this special day. We usually do such sharing during read aloud, in the morning.


Homework: Typically children will have homework for the week in math and reading, and occasionally writing. There is always 20 min. of reading each night, and math workbook problems that are due throughout the week. It’s very important that student’s math workbook come back to school the next day. There will also be 10 spelling words to memorize a week, and a weekly spelling project (tests are on Friday.)  Homework should not be done by parents…nor should it feel too hard (math is meant to reinforce daily lessons) ….if you or your child are feeling stressed about homework, please connect with me immediately. Your support in providing a quiet space without distractions, and a regular time to do this work is critical to student’s success in this aspect of 4th grade. Also, talking with your child about their homework, and their school day is important. They should feel successful and positive about it!


Sharing: Part of our classroom routine is a daily morning meeting, where each child has a chance to share. I will always encourage children to do talking shares, bring in books they love, a story they’ve written, art they’ve created, to play music they are learning, etc. I ask that you not allow children to bring in toys to share in class. This is a South Hill School rule. If you have a special skill that you’d like to share with our class...(for example, playing/teaching chess, or playing an instrument are some visitors we’ve had) we would love to have you join us! Send me a note and we’ll schedule it!


Volunteers: Please know that if you are able, you are welcome to join our classroom as a volunteer. This usually begins @ October. If you would like to support our students in math or reading or writing, please let me know. Connect with me when you can about what you are interested in doing.


Specials: We are on a rotating schedule, but, the time is always at 1:15-1:55. As soon as I know what our specials pattern is, we’ll send a note home so that you know. Our Library time will be on Thursday mornings, at 8:10.


Curriculum: In all areas of study, we follow the NY State Common Core and ICSD Curriculum. In math, we use the Singapore Math Program. It is supplemented with materials from other resources to provide reteaching, practice, and enhancement. Math manipulatives, computers, calculators, cooperative learning and problem solving activities are included. Our Fourth grade English Language Arts curriculum has several integrated components, including reading and responding to many genres of fiction and non-fiction. We use the Lucy Caulkins writing curriculum. In reading, we also use Lucy Caulkins Reading, Expeditionary Learning Modules, Daily CAFE and a variety of other resources. Every student is independently engaged in meaningful literacy tasks. These research based tasks are ones that will have the biggest impact on student reading and writing achievement, as well as help foster children who love to read and write. Students receive explicit whole group instruction and then are given independent practice time to read and write independently, while I provide focused, intense instruction to individuals and small groups of students.  We also have extended, in-depth library studies, work on speaking and listening, spelling, grammar and handwriting (Handwriting Without Tears). Our Science investigations are hands on, designed to promote inquiring minds and supported by FOSS Science Kits as well as other resources. I teach all 4th graders Science and Health. Mrs. Lee teaches Social Studies, and Mrs. Eckley teaches Geography, some Science, and Technology. You will have an opportunity to learn more at our Curriculum Night in September. We will let you know as soon as it is scheduled!


Personal Items: Please label your child’s clothing and belongings, especially hats and gloves, coats, etc. South Hill has a Lost and Found in the Cafeteria.


School Supplies: You should have received a list in the mail. Thank you for your contributions to our classroom community! If your child has a water bottle, I encourage them to bring it and drink often during the day. Please do not send in bottles of sugary drinks for drinking in the class…water is best.


Finally…thank you, for all that you do to prepare your youngster each and every day for school. I truly believe that a child’s success in school is assured through parents and teachers working together for their benefit.  I look forward to this year of working with you, and send my best to you!

