What does AIMS WEB stand for?

AIMS WEB  is a web-based assessment, data management, and reporting system that provides the framework for Response to Intervention (RTI) and multi-tiered instruction. Designed specifically to universally screen and progress monitor, AIMSweb uses brief, valid, and reliable General Outcome Measures of reading and math performance for Grades K-8 that can be used with any curriculum.   Presently, all students grades K-3 are given the Benchmark Assessments three times per year.

Typically, only the at-risk students are given the progress monitoring assessments monthly and these students are the ones that are receiving additional reading support. However, if a child's classroom teacher feels that the assessment does not truly represent the child's skill level, or the skill level they display in class daily, we will also provide progress monitoring for them.  We want to be certain that all children are working toward the benchmark goal. 

 If you have any questions regarding AIMS WEB, please feel free to contact me through my web page email.

Mrs. Addy

Newfield Elementary School

Reading Specialist