Reading Ideas for Parents

Here are some ideas for reading with your child...

      *Know that you are your child's first teacher.  You have a very important role in your child's education!!

      *Ask your child about what s/he is reading.  Ask more than a "yes" or "no" question.  Ask about characters, where the story takes place, what s/he likes or doesn't like about the story.  Remember, children don't have to love every book they read!

      *Read Nursery Rhymes to your children.  Learning the rhythm and rhyme of our language is very important!!  Singing also works!

      *Draw pictures with your child and discuss what they are about.

      *Listen to your child read.  Be sure that the book is at an appropriate level.  A "Just Right" book is one that your child can read easily.  More than 5 mistakes that affect meaning on a page is too hard.

      *As you read aloud, make mistakes and discuss how to solve them with your child.

      *Purchase books on tape or cd for your child to listen and read along with.  Rereading a familiar story helps increase reading fluency.