
P. E. Shorts

  2012 - 2013 Teaching Schedule

5th Grade         8:15 - 8:55     
 Thomas I     Day 1, Day 3
 Thomas II    Day 2, Day 5

4th Grade         9:00 - 9:40     
James           Monday, Wednesday
Martin            Tuesday, Friday

1st Grade       10:00 - 10:40   
Tripodi           Monday, Wednesday, Friday (1st semester)
McClure         Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (2nd semester)

7th Grade        11:14 - 11:57

Kindergarten   12:40 - 1:20    
Sherry         Monday, Wednesday, Friday (1st semester)
Down          Tuesday, Thursday, Friday (2nd semester)

3rd Grade       1:30 - 2:10 
Armstrong     Monday, Wednesday

2nd Grade       2:10 - 2:50     
Zifchock        Monday, Wednesday
Miller              Tuesday, Thursday




"To climb steep hills requires slow pace at first"


Video for Parents and Families about the Common Core Assessments

<iframe src="
http://player.vimeo.com/video/63778446?title=0&amp;byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/63778446">Video for Parents and Families about the Common Core Assessments</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/engageny">EngageNY</a> on <a

 American Heart Association Information

A great big THANK YOU to everyone that donated money to the American Heart Association during our Healthy Heart Days event.


Take a look at these websites to help promote Physical Activity in Children



Check out these classroom-based physical activities that parents and teachers can use to integrate physical activity with academic concepts.  Located in the menu.


Take a look at this website about the benefits of adding milk to your diet.  http://whymilk.com/