4th grade curriculum


          Welcome to 4th grade!  The following is an overview of the various topics we will study this year.

English- Language Arts (ELA)     This period of the day will focus on spelling strategies, writing, and reading.  Activities will often have students reading a passage and responding to questions in writing.  Fourth graders are expected to become fluent, skilled writers with language that shows an interesting voice. They will follow the Writing  Process.  The New York State ELA Test will be given to 4th graders in April.


Reading Block    Fourth graders will have a concentrated 60 minutes of reading instruction daily.  Your child will be placed in a group of readers with similar abilities and needs to focus on the particular strategies he/she needs help on.  Many groups will use trade books to increase reading comprehension through literature circle activities. 

In addition, your child will engage in  a lot of reading activities in classroom units.


Mathematics    All students should have mastered basic addition, subtraction, multiplication and division facts.  Your child must work on these at home if they are not mastered.  In fourth grade we will study:  addition and subtraction to 4 digits or more,  multiplying 2 and 3 digit numbers, place value to 1,000,000,  long division, fractions, decimals, metric and customary measurement,  geometry,  making change with money,  averaging, graphing, probability, angles, area, perimeter and problem solving.  Students must be able to solve problems in a variety of ways and explain his/her work.  The New York Statewide Math Test will be given to 4th graders in April.

Science   Students will learn to be thinkers and problem solvers in Science using exciting hands-on materials.  They will often work cooperatively in teams to complete interesting experiments using the Scientific Method.  Fourth graders will study:   Plants,  Ecology and Life in the Community,  Simple Machines, and Density.  In addition, we will use and review a variety of skills (especially measurement) and concepts in preparation for the New York State Science Test which will be given to 4th graders in May. 


Social Studies     The main focus of Social Studies in 4th grade is New York State.  We will learn about geography, resources, history, government, economics and our local area.  Students will be working with the New York Textbook.  Students will learn how to read various documents for information and respond in writing to questions asked.   


Computer Lab          Newfield Elementary  School  has  a computer lab and laptops available to all classes by sign-up.  This year students will receive instruction in computer use and word processing on a weekly basis with our librarian.  In addition, students will use the laptops occasionally with their classroom teacher and reading group.