
10 Ways to Be a Better Dad

Spend Time with Your Children
Missed opportunities are forever lost.

Earn the Right to Be Heard
Take time and listen to your child s ideas and problems.
Discipline with Love
All children need guidance and discipline, not as punishment, but to set reasonable limits. Remind your children of the consequences of their actions and provide meaningful rewards for desirable behavior.

Be a Role Model
"All the world's a stage..." and a father plays one of the most vital roles.
Be a Teacher
Too many fathers think teaching is something others do. But a father who teaches his children about right and wrong, and encourages them to do their best, will see his children make good choices. Involved fathers use everyday examples to help their children learn the basic lessons of life.
Eat Together as a Family
Sharing a meal together can be an important part of healthy family life.

Read to Your Children
In a world where television often dominates the lives of children, it is important that fathers make the effort to read to their children.

Show Affection
Showing affection everyday is the best way to let your children know that you love them.

Realize that a Father's Job Is Never Done
Even after children are grown and ready to leave home, they will still look to their fathers for wisdom and advice.

Respect Your Children's Mother
When children see their parents respecting each other, they are more likely to feel that they are also accepted and respected.



First, the good news

Children with involved fathers:

Have stronger self-esteem

Are less susceptible to peer pressure

Show increased empathy

Show increased cognitive competence

Journal of Marriage and Family

Now the bad news

The consequences of inaction:

On average, fatherless children score lower on tests and have lower grade point averages. 

Fatherless children are more likely to commit crimes and engage in substance abuse.


Attributes of a successful father

Confidence and pride.

Patience and a better sense of humor.

Flexible thinking.

Return to childhood.


Reordering priorities.

Changing values.


Tell them you love them

Involve yourself in their lives

