About Fifth Grade

In fifth grade students switch classes. Ms. James and I work as a team.  On our team, Ms. James teaches ELA and SS.  I teach reading, math, and science.  I also teach math and science to Ms. James's fourth graders.
In fifth grade we not only teach curriculum, but organization and independence.  The fifth grade teachers have created an organizational system that enables students to stay on top of homework and function somewhat independently.  The following are crucial for staying organized:

Assignment Book:  Assignments are recorded on a chart in the classroom every day.  Students are required to copy their assignments in their assignment books every day.  The assignments are stamped or intialed by a teacher every day to make sure that the assignments have been recorded correctly.  

Take-Home Folder:  All students are provided with one take-home folder that separates the contents into two sections:  "Leave at Home" and "Bring Back."  This actually helps a lot with home-school communication if it is used correctly and consistently.

Pencil Pouch:  Students are expected to have a pencil pouch in their binder that is always stocked with necessary supplies:  4 sharpened pencils, a hand-held pencil sharpener, a highlighter, a glue stick, and crayons.  (Extra supplies are stored in the classroom.)