

    Your child has been given a red take home folder to carry homework and other important notes. Please place all completed homework back into the folder each night and have your child put their folder right back in their backpack. Any notes that are sent to school from you should also be placed in this folder with the following:

   Notes: Please place notes in an envelope, marked with your child's name and teacher's name. If the note falls out of their folder for some reason this allows it to get where it needs to be.

   A new weekly homework sheet will be placed in your child's folder each Monday so that you can keep track of what is due and when it is due. Please sign your child's sheet each night after you look their homework over.   

   On the back of your child's red take home folder is a monthly reading sheet. Please read each night for 15 minutes with your child and then sign the calendar on the back of the folder. This allows us to know that your child has completed his/her homework.