
Parent/Guardian Important Information

  • We will be writing in our agendas daily to keep track of our homework assignments.  Please ask your child to see his or hers from time to time.
  • 15 minutes reading sheets are to be completed Monday thru Thursday.  Parents should be checking and signing the sheets nightly.  This assignment counts toward both the student's reading and homework grades.  Fifth grade students are expected to read 25 chapter books at their reading level throughout the course of the year.
  • Word sorts should also be completed nightly.  Many times this is not written work that students hand in.  Therefore, students are often "on their honor"  to complete the assignment.  Please encourage and support them with their word sorts at home.  There will be a test on their words every Friday.
  • I will sometimes send home information via e-mail.  If you would like to be on my mailing list click on the "Mailing List" tab and enter your information.  This is a quick and easy way for you to get important information about upcoming class and school events.
  • Additional Parent Resources: