Kindergarten Supplies



Mrs. Cartwright

Kindergarten Supply List

Your child will need the following supplies on the first day of school. Please write your child’s name on the *** items. Extra supplies to share are welcomed. Some items may need to be replenished throughout the school year.

? ***Full size backpack

? ***Regular size crayon/pencil box

? 3 boxes of Crayola 8 pack of crayons (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, black, and brown,)

? ***2 large jumbo size erasers

? 1 box of tissues

? 1, 8 pack of washable color markers

? ****2, 2-pocket folders, red, green

? 1 expo dry erase marker

So your student will be ready on the first day of school, please fill your child’s crayon box with one, 8 pack of Crayola crayons, one jumbo eraser, and two sharpened pencils. Place the other supplies in a "Wal-Mart" style bag with your child’s name on the bag. THANK YOU!