Activities for Parents at Home

1. Computer games that are listed on my website are great for math and reading. Students like working on for reading.

2. Play board games that are age appropriate. These are great for math, reading, problem solving and logic.

3. Read to and with your child. Ask them to identify the characters, setting, problem and solution. Have them write about their favorite character or part of the book. Also, work on sequencing of events in the story. Have them identify what happened first, middle,and last.It is important that you make sure your child understands the meaning of words in the story. Always define new words and check for understanding.

4. When you watch a TV show, video, or cartoon always discuss the events and following the same guidelines for reading a book with your child.

5. Use the sight words to play Concentration, Old Maid or Go Fish.

6. Have your child find pictures in a magazine, ad or flyer and let them practice writing the word or words to match the picture.

7. Have them practice writing cvc words i.e. consonant, vowel, consonant words such as cat, hat etc.

8. Have them practice reading and writing their sight words.