Math in Focus Vocabulary
in Focus Vocabulary List
Chapter 1- Numbers to 10:
zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten 
same, more, fewer, greater than, less than
pattern, more than, less than
Chapter 2- Number Bonds:
part, whole, number bond
Chapter 3- Addition Facts to 10:
add, plus
(+), equal to (=), addition sentence, more than, addition story
Chapter 4- Subtraction Facts to 10:
take away, subtract, minus (-), subtraction sentence, less than, 
subtraction story, fact family
Chapter 5- Shapes and Patterns:
circle, triangle, square, rectangle, side, corner, sort, color, alike, shape, size, different, half of, fourth of, quarter of
rectangular prism, cube, sphere, cone, cylinder, pyramid,  stack, slide, roll, repeating pattern
Chapter 6- Ordinal Numbers and
first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, last
before, after, between, left, right, next to, under, above, below, behind,   
in front of, up, down, near, far
Chapter 7- Numbers to 20:
eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty
place value chart, greatest, least, order
Chapter 8- Addition and Subtraction Facts
to 20:
group, doubles fact, same, doubles plus one
Chapter 9- Length:
tall/ taller, short/ shorter, long/ longer
tallest, shortest, longest, start line, about, unit
Chapter 10: Weight:
heavy, heavier, heaviest, light, lighter, lightest, weight, as heavy as
Chapter 11- Picture Graphs and Bar
data, picture graph, more, most, fewer, fewest
tally mark, tally chart, bar graph
Chapter 12- Numbers to 40:
ten, twenty, thirty, forty
twenty-one, twenty-two, twenty-three…forty
counting tape
Chapter 13- Addition and Subtraction
to 40:
count on, place-value chart, regroup, count back
Chapter 14- Mental Math:
mentally, doubles fact
Chapter 15- Calendar and Time:
calendar, days, weeks, months, year, date, warmer, colder, seasons
o’clock, minute hand, hour hand, half past, half hour
Chapter 16- Numbers to 120:
fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, one hundred, estimate
number line, greater than (>), less than
Chapter 17- Addition and Subtraction
to 100:
Chapter 18- Multiplication and
same, groups, each
share, equally
Chapter 19- Money:
cents, nickel, value, penny, dime, exchange, quarter, change