
Dear Parents and Guardians,
This year our school district aligned all of our student report cards to reflect the Common Core Curriculum. The new report cards are very detailed and will provide parents with a better understanding of the grade level expectations for students, as well as describing the rigor of our new learning standards.  

As I stated during my Common Core Presentation back in September, prior to Open House, it is very important for parents to understand that due to the increased rigor of the learning standards it will be very rare for students to achieve a score of 4 on their report card. A score of 4 would indicate that the student exceeds grade level expectations. With that said, if your child achieves a level 3, please celebrate this success! A level 3 indicates that a student is meeting grade level expectations.

If you would like to preview my Common Core Open House Presentation please click on the Resources link on the left side menu.

Should you have any questions or concerns with the Common Core Learning Standards, please do not hesitate to contact your child's teacher or myself.
Elizabeth M. Scaptura
Elizabeth M. Scaptura